Nuevo número de Interfaces Magazine, publicación trimestral de Interaction, el grupo de HCI de la British Computer Society (BCS).
En esta ocasión podrás encontrar una breve entrevista que le hicieron a Donald Norman donde, entre otras cosas, explica qué es lo próximo que va a hacer desde un punto de vista profesional y académico.
Design needs to have a strong basis in science, with repeatable, verifiable results that can help sustain a cumulative body of knowledge. Instead, design is mainly a trade or an art, where instead of cumulative knowledge we have independent works. This is the challenge. To become accepted as a true discipline, it must have a firm, solid basis. […] I wish to help establish a science of design: to help develop a sustainable set of design principles. This is what will occupy my time in the near future.
Descargar Interfaces Issue 80 – HCI Remix and Redux (PDF, 1,9Mb)
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