Experiencia de cliente y experiencia de usuario

Leisa Reichelt hace una reflexión interesante sobre la aportación de la experiencia de cliente (Customer Experience, CX), como disciplina y como profesión, a la experiencia de usuario.

Turns out there is this whole other profession, born, it seems, mostly from the marketing discipline, who have an active interest in orchestrating company wide good experience for their customers. They are experienced in making strong, financially driven business cases to management at the highest level, getting decent budgets and then investing in infrastructure that enables an organisation to deliver good customer experience (such as ‘single view of the customer’  and ‘voice of the customer’ programs that enable an organisation to aggregate their understanding of a customer into one view (how rare is this for most established organisations, and how crippling is the typical fragmentation), and enables an organisation to hear and respond to what their customers are saying to and about them.

Lograr una estrategia centrada en la experiencia de cliente ha sido una tarea que muchas compañías y profesionales han adoptado desde sus comienzos. Obviar sus resultados, procesos y metodologías aplicadas sería ignorar parte de los fundamentos de la experiencia de usuario.

La confluencias de conceptos (experiencia de cliente, experiencia de marca, experiencia de usuario) solo aporta beneficios a los profesionales que trabajan con dichos conceptos y, siguiendo una de las referencias que aporta Reichelt, la estrategia de la experiencia reúne a todas las partes implicadas y condiciona las decisiones que se toman sobre el uso de un producto o servicio y la experiencia resultante.

An experience strategy is that collection of activities that an organization chooses to undertake to deliver a series of (positive, exceptional) interactions which, when taken together, constitute an (product or service) offering that is superior in some meaningful, hard-to-replicate way; that is unique, distinct & distinguishable from that available from a competitor.

Siguiendo esta línea de aportaciones, aquí dejo alguna referencia interesante sobre estos asuntos:

-Schmitt, B. H. (2003): Customer Experience Management. A revolutionary approach to connecting with your customers. New Jersey: Wiley.
-Smith, S.; Wheeler, J. (2002): Customer Experience Strategy – The Complete Guide From Innovation to Execution.London: FT Prentice Hall.
-Shaw, C.; Ivens, J. (2002): Building Great Customer Experiences.New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Leisa Reichelt publicará en breve un nuevo libro en Five Simple Steps titulado: A Practical Guide to Strategic User Experience.

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